Sydney Brain & Spine

Frequently Asked Questions

A/Prof Winder and Dr Lukins consult from their rooms in the East Wing building of St Vincent’s Private Hospital in Darlinghurst Sydney. Dr Lukins also consults and operates once a month in Orange at Dudley Private Hospital. They both  operate at St Vincent’s Private Hospital and East Sydney Private Hospital in Woolloomooloo.

Yes, you do require a referral to see A/Prof  Winder or Dr Lukins.

We use a  triage system when scheduling patient appointments to ensure patients are seen in order of their clinical urgency.  Once A/Prof Winder or Dr Lukins has reviewed your information we will be in touch to schedule an appointment.

A/Prof Winder’s and Dr Lukins’s consulting fees are in line with the other neurosurgical practices in Sydney. Further details of this can be obtained by contacting his rooms. The options of payment include by EFTPOS, credit card, cash or cheque.

A/Prof Winder and Dr Lukins are happy for you to bring someone to your appointment. It is often helpful to have a support person who can also ask questions and hear the information A/Prof Winder or Dr Lukins gives you.

You will be entitled to a partial rebate from Medicare but there will still be a component that will be out of pocket. Details of this will also be provided to you at the time of making the appointment. The Sydney Brain and Spine staff will process the Medicare rebate for you at the time of payment.

Parking is available at St Vincent’s clinic as well as St Vincent’s Public Hospital, located next door. There is limited street parking. Patients using public transport have a bus stop next to the hospital or if coming by train, the clinic is a short walk from King’s Cross train station.

A/Prof Winder and Dr Lukins prefer to look at your scans electronically. Please bring either the printed films or a disc as supplied by your medical imaging provider if an electronic copy is not available. Most images are now available online, but please confirm the location of where your scans were done prior to your appointment to determine if we can access images.

A/Prof Winder does not provide medico-legal services.  Dr Lukins does  provide medico- legal services.

Surgery is not always the right option. A/Prof Winder’s background as a Physiotherapist enables him to make a comprehensive assessment. This assists in determining the best outcomes for patients. Physical therapy, exercise and other changes in your daily activities may help improve your condition, delaying the necessity for surgery. In your initial visit, A/Prof Winder and Dr Lukins will discuss and explain your alternatives so that you can make the right decision for you.

A/Prof Winder and Dr Lukins  treat conditions involving the brain, spine and peripheral nerves. A/Prof Winder has extensive experience in minimally invasive spine surgery, complex spine surgery, pituitary surgery and skull base surgery. Dr Lukins specialises in scoliotic correction, spinal deformity surgery and minimally invasive and endoscopic spine surgery.

If further tests or investigations are required after your appointment we will provide referrals for these and are happy to assist you in making these appointments if required.

A/Prof Winder’s practice nurse, Naomi, is available to discuss any questions you have about your upcoming surgery, and will call you preoperatively to go over what is required.

Minimally invasive surgery means surgery through a very small incision. There is less trauma and pain due to the minimal disruption of the musculature. Patients will experience a faster recovery, shorter hospital stay and can return to pre-surgery activity much more quickly

A/Prof Winder and Dr Lukins do  see public and uninsured patients in their private rooms. However, please be aware this is a private practice, and as such, if surgery is required, you will be responsible for financing the surgical fee, the  anaesthetist’s fee, hospital stay costs, theatre costs and any implants required. This amount can be substantial  and thus the public hospital may be advisable.  A/Prof Winder and Dr Lukins regularly see public patients in the neurosurgical clinic at St Vincent’s Public Hospital where they have a regular operating list, however there is currently a long waiting list of up to a year. Patients still require a referral for this service. For appointments, please call St Vincent’s Public Hospital on 83823112 .

A Neurologist identifies neurological disorders through diagnostic testing and uses solely medical means to treat these. A Neurosurgeon can offer a surgical solution to neurologic disorders

Depending on the type of surgery, some patients may need some time in rehabilitation prior to going home in order to increase strength and mobility. We will organise this for you at a location that is convenient. A/Prof Winder and Dr Lukins will not discharge you from hospital until they are satisfied it is safe to do so.

Recovery varies based on the particular surgery. Generally it is recommended that patients take two weeks off work to recover from any surgery. A/Prof Winder and Dr Lukins will provide more specific details for your particular situation and condition at your appointment

A/Prof Winder’s practice nurse Naomi will visit you on the ward and call you once you are home to go through any questions you may have. You will also be provided with her contact number so that you can call her if the need arises. Dr Lukin’s patients should call the rooms directly and Dr Lukins will respond directly

Patients are normally seen two weeks postoperatively by A/Prof Winder’s practice nurse Naomi and then seen by A/Prof Winder at six weeks. Subsequent appointments will be made as necessary depending on the type of surgery performed.

Dr Lukin’s patients are normally seen by himself at two weeks and six weeks postoperatively. Subsequent appointments will be made as necessary depending on the type of surgery performed.

If an emergency arises please call 000 or if able make your way into the nearest emergency department.