Sydney Brain & Spine

Refer a Patient

We are happy to accept your referrals either by phone, fax or email.  Alternatively you can complete our online referral form.

We ask that along with the referral you provide us with relevant reports of any investigations carried out, and as much information as possible about the patient’s condition. Please instruct the patient to bring any relevant paperwork with them to their appointment, including X-rays, CTs or MRIs either as printed films or CDs.

We do not see patients for medico-legal purposes or to perform disability assessments.

Urgent referrals

Urgent referrals are best received by phone so that we can triage them appropriately. Any tests or imaging required can then be arranged prior to the appointment. Of course you are welcome to call our practice with any questions or concerns regarding your patients.

Second Opinion

Choosing surgery is a big decision. A/Prof Winder is happy to provide a second opinion for patients considering treatment or surgery for a neurosurgical condition.

Return Correspondence

All referring doctors will receive correspondence summarising the details of their patient’s visit. We will send you a letter electronically via Healthlink or via fax. The letter will include our medical recommendation and plan of treatment.

Secure Online Patient Referral Portal

* Indicates required field

BrainSpinePeripheral NerveUrgent